Visit Natura

Visit Natura is an ecotourism company located in Albufera Natural Park in Valencia. The charming city of Valencia is surrounded by extremely diverse natural environments, with a rich biodiversity and some amazing protected nature reserves. The Region of Valencia is home to 22 natural parks, and in addition to its natural diversity, the region also has an exceptional cultural and historical richness that awaits to be explored.

Valencia Birding

Guided bird watching trips and holidays throughout eastern Spain

Our headquarters are located in Valencia, Spain, one of the best bird watching destinations in Europe. We design and provide custom-designed guided bird watching day tours and holidays throughout eastern Spain for individuals, couples and small groups. This region has been blessed with an incredible variety of habitats and excellent bird watching sites, many of which are virtually unknown!

Easter Week Processions

The Easter Week processions in Sagunto are organised by the Cofradía de la Purísima Sangre de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo (the Brotherhood of the Most Holy Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ) and date back to the late 15th century, specifically to 1492. The Brotherhood currently has 1,500 members.

Parador de turismo El Saler

El Parador de El Saler, in Valencia, is located in the heart of the Natural Park, one of the most important wetlands in Europe. It is a strategic site on migratory routes, and the nesting site of various bird colonies.

The Albufera Natural Park has a natural heritage together with La Dehesa (Mediterranean forest located between the Albufera and the sea) and the beach of Saler. This area is home to around 390 species throughout the year in the different ecosystems of the Park.  

Arab Baths

You can visit the Arab baths in Torres-Torres to commemorate the Arab part of the of the base of the Holy Grail. The Arab baths in Torres-Torres were declared a National Monument in 1938, and the site is one of only three still preserved in Spain. Restoration work has been done on the baths to make them suitable for the public to visit. The first documented reference to the baths dates back to 1555, when they were probably no longer in use for bathing.

Birdwatching Spain

We are a travel agency specialised in birdwatching formed by a group of bird enthusiasts and naturalists. Each of us combines freelance work for British birding companies with our work as guides at Birdwatching Spain.

We make trips to national and foreign birding destinations which include birdwatching in the Region of Valencia, Extremadura and Doñana to observing lynx in Andújar or wolves in Zamora.

In addition, we are specialists in organising bird and tiger watching trips to India, birds in Costa Rica or whales in Sri Lanka, among other destinations.