The silvery salema, sargo and two-banded sea bream

The shallower coastal waters on the frontier between rocks and sand are full of oval-shaped silver coloured fish. These are salemas, sargos and two-banded sea bream.

The Sarpa salpa has 10 to 12 horizontal golden bands and yellow eyes. It swims in compact schools as a defensive strategy and to catch food. The salpa is one of the few herbivorous species of fish in the Mediterranean, and so plays an important role in the ecosystem.

The painted comber

Serranus scriba is easily recognised by its pink body with five to seven dark brown stripes, a blue stain on its belly and an orange tail.

It belongs to the family of the Serranidae, which include over 30 species such as the grouper. Its name “scriba” comes from the marks on its head that look like a labyrinth of Arabic symbols. The origin of the term “Serranus” comes from its one saw-shaped dorsal fin.


One of the hallmarks of Viunatura is active tourism, but it also offers more eco-tourism-oriented activities such as interpretative hiking. a unique opportunity to discover the incredible natural and cultural heritage of the Alcalatén region. We follow the natural trail of the water mills of Lucena, the natural route of the waters of Figueroles and the cultural route of the industrial heritage of Alcora.

Sea fans

Sea fans belong to the phylum of cnidarians, along with jellyfish, anemones and corals. They are living organisms (warning, they are not plants!!!) that live in colonies and are fixed to the substrate, from where they grow at right angles to water currents to catch food, giving them the shape for which they are named.


More than 30 golf courses next to the sea or the mountains, where you can feel the breeze of the Mediterranean.

Other sports

Basketball? Rugby? Hockey? Artistic gymnastics? Horse riding? In Region of Valencia you can train with your team in any sport.


L'Alqueria del Basket (Valencia): it is considered the largest basketball facility in Europe. It has a surface area of 15,000 square metres with state-of-the-art facilities dedicated to basketball training.