Sequer lo Blanch, the flavour of Valencia's market gardens

Restaurant in traditional Valencian farmhouse on the Holy Grail Route. You'll find genuine Valencian recipes using produce freshly harvested from the market gardens. Recipes using local produce include potatoes with all i oli de xufa (tiger nut garlic mayonnaise) and fartons (sponge fingers) with a range of fillings. Plus craft beer made from xufa (tiger nut), a tuber used for making horchata (tiger nut milk).

This restaurant, which is also an horchata bar, shows how this drink originally from Alboraya is made.

Ocio Natur

We're a Valencian company set up to offer experiences, trips, events, camps and tourism activities in the countryside. We offer a world of sensations within everyone's reach, in a safe, accessible environment all year round. On our trips you'll have the chance to explore the world of wine from the vineyards through to production and tasting.

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Cosmofísica Science School

Cosmofísica is located in the town of Titaguas, a rural setting in Els Serrans, a region of Valencia in the Alto Turia, where the provinces of Cuenca and Teruel meet.

It is a quiet spot, with dark skies, pine forests full of aromatic and medicinal plants, crystal-clear water and plenty of history. Its "hostel-school" accommodates groups of students, associations and all kinds of groups, even families, who want to be close to nature. Taking a rigorously scientific yet fun approach and guided by professionals, everyone can experience and learn about exciting worlds.

Rent Yacht World

Are you ready to have a first-hand experience of fishing tourism in València? We'll tell you what's involved...

The fishing tourism experience in Valencia allows you to go out to sea on board accompanying vessels (fully fitted sailing yachts) and follow the fishing boats. You'll spend the day watching artisan fishermen as you sail through traditional fishing grounds off the coast of València.

La Matandeta

La Matandeta is the only restaurant set in the rice paddies of the Albufera Nature Reserve, a unique place where the landscape changes throughout all four seasons of the year.

It's very close to El Saler beach, the Devesa forest and the Albufera lagoon. The restaurant is also only 15 minutes from the City of Arts and Sciences and 20 minutes from Manises airport.

Our family has been in the restaurant business since 1991, the year we opened La Matandeta after refurbishing the old farmhouse owned by our father and grandfather Manuel Baixauli Romeu, known as "Matanda".

Astronomical Observatory of the University of Valencia

The Astronomical Observatory organises tours of its observation site in Aras de los Olmos. This observation station is in the Alto Turia region, one of the few dark sky reserves left in the Region of Valencia. The tour of the Aras de los Olmos observatory is a unique experience of contemplation and enjoyment of the dark sky, one of the elements of nature that has become increasingly difficult to find. Here you can discover the grandeur of the Milky Way, the brightness of thousands of stars visible to the naked eye, the outlines of constellations and their ties with history and culture.

Venta del Puerto Coop. Vinícola La Viña

Venta del Puerto is not only one of the wines we're proudest of at our winery. Its name has a long history. 21st century travellers, just like those in the 15th century, can now also stop and rest while enjoying the landscape and good wines on offer here.

Our winery was founded in 1944 and over generations our wine-producing activity increased and the winery has grown in terms of numbers of partners and production.

Horchatería Daniel

Horchatería Daniel is one of the most iconic places in the city to drink natural tiger nut milk (horchata). They have been making 100% natural artisan horchata and authentic sponge fingers (fartons) since 1949.

The family's first establishment opened in 1960 on the ground floor of their home and in 1979, Daniel opened the Horchatería on the avenue that would later become Avenida de la Horchata and where they started receiving visits from the most famous celebrities of the era.