Parish of La Asunción de Nuestra Señora

Set in the heart of the historic centre of Alboraya is the town's majestic Virgen de la Asunción parish church, dedicated to the Virgin of the Assumption following the tradition set by King Jaume I when he reconquered lands occupied by the Moors in Valencia. The building, which dates from the 18th century, has a high altar presided over by a wood carving of the Assumption, flanked by two other wood carved figures of the Apostles Peter and Paul.

Ermita dels Peixets

In the seaside town of Alboraya there is a chapel on the seashore that was built to commemorate a miracle, the Ermita dels Peixets (the chapel of the little fishes). The chapel, dedicated to the Most Holy Sacrament, stands in memory of the miracle that, according to the legend, took place on this very spot in the 14th century.

Pago de Tharsys

Our winery is located nested in the middle of twelve hectares of ecological vineyards that provide the optimal conditions needed to produce the best raw material. It was built on top of an old wine cellar from 1808 with underground rooms and thick walls that are still preserved today. Located in Requena, it is a benchmark in the production of cava; in fact, Vicente García, owner and winemaker, is known as "the father of cava", as he was one of the first pioneers to achieve the Designation of Origin for Cava.

ZEPA Mecca - Mugrón - San Benito


This nature reserve is located between the municipalities of Ayora (Valencia) and Almansa (Albacete), on the border between the autonomous communities of Castilla la Mancha and the Region of Valencia. It is a protected area classified as a special protection area for birds, formed by different ecosystems such as the Sierra de Mugrón and the San Benito lake.

Recipe Book of the Borgias

Top Chefs of Today Reinterpret Borgian Recipes

These are great professionals of Valencian cuisine who were born in Borgian municipalities, such as Ricard Camarena (Gandia) or Vicente Patiño (Xàtiva), or those whose restaurants are located in some of the towns where the Borgias left their mark. All of them have reinterpreted recipes and dishes from that time, giving them their personal touch in order to share with all of us these 10 new gastronomic proposals of Borgian inspiration right now in the 21st century. The result, besides being surprising, couldn’t be tastier.

Trinidad Fountain

The Fuente Real de la Trinidad (Royal Trinidad Fountain), a historic ornamental fountain, was built in the 15th century when Pope Calixtus III was just a boy. It's in Plaça de la Trinitat in Xàtiva and is listed as an Asset of Local Importance.