Castillo de Xàtiva (Xàtiva Castle)

A double fortress stretching over almost 1 kilometre in the Sierra del Castell overlooking Xàtiva. The city’s strategic location has made it both a setting and a witness in numerous conflicts. The castle is divided into Castell Menor and Castell Major, with the latter built on the site of Iberian and Roman remains. It was extended and fortified by the succession of cultures that settled in this area. It was already famous during Hannibal's campaigns, and in the period of Al-Andalus.

Church and Convent of Santa Cruz

The Iglesia de Santa Cruz is in Plaza de la Iglesia in Llombai. The monument has been listed as an Asset of Cultural Interest since 1982.

The old church was founded by Bishop Ramón Gastó in 1329 and was dedicated to the Santos Juanes. The church became part of the Dominican convent by papal bull issued by Pope Paul III. The convent was a donation from Francisco de Borgia, first Marquis of Llombay​, to commemorate his marriage to Leonor de Castro. The building was completed in 1548.

Oratory of the Borgias

The Oratorio de lso Borgia, also known as Iglesia de la Torre (Church of the Tower), is in Canals, València. The church was built in the Early Gothic style, probably in the 13th century. The Oratory is opposite the Torre de los Borgia (Tower of the Borgias). It has undergone several refurbishments since it was built. In the 1980s refurbishment work was carried out mainly on the roof. Sampling has also revealed polychrome decoration.

La Trenza Borgiana (the Borgia Plait)

The Borgia plait is a sweet pastry traditionally made in the city of Gandía, consisting of finely chopped almonds and sweet "angel's hair" pumpkin.

In the Middle Ages the wealth of emerging cities was measured not so much in gold but in terms of the local products they could sell. Back then, one of the most precious commodities was sugar, an exotic and costly ingredient.